Where People Perform

Venue Maps is an independent website focused on independent venues Where People Perform.


Authorized users such as venue owners/managers and talent buyers are encouraged to claim venue listings.


Musicians, DJs, comedians, and others, discover venues near you or anywhere in the United States.


Need a stage and A/V for your next event? Find the right venue near you.


Who is Venue Maps for?

Venue Maps is useful for performers and fans of music, comedy, theater, drag, burlesque, DJs and more. Venue owners and event planners may also find Venue Maps useful for coordinating events.

Venue Maps is totally free to use?

Yes, Venue Maps is totally free and does not intend to ever charge for use.

Do I need an free account?

You should create a free account if you wish to claim a venue listing or if you want to view venue contacts, keep track of your favorite venues, and/or create a profile page.

What if I need help?

Links to Search Tips can be found on each page as well as links to Categories & Tags. These pages will provide a starting point. Alternatively, you can jump straight to a local city or state map starting here. If you need additional help, please fill out the contact form. We will respond as soon as possible.

What kinds of venues?

Venue Maps seeks to list all kinds of venues where the arts are performed: from bars, nightclubs, and casinos to museums, theaters, and art galleries.

What is the threshold for inclusion?

Due to limited resources, only venues meeting the following criteria are currently included: capacity from 25-5000, regular public events including live music, has a logo over 500 pixels wide, has active social media and/or website. Exceptions may be made for legacy venues, nonprofits, etc. Criteria is subject to change.

Who runs Venue Maps?

Venue Maps is run by a single independent entity and is not affiliated with ASCAP, BMI, or anyone else. Venue Maps does not use a data broker. Data is collected “manually” from venue websites, social media, search engines, etc. and in some cases, in person.

How did Venue Maps come about?

Venue Maps started as a personal project in 2016 by a local musician whose location had come to vary from month to month. The goal was to create a database of music venues with the capacity to view venues relative to each other on a map. The website has evolved over the years, adapting to changes in the market and in technology. What remains is a determination to provide a relevant resource to fans, performers, venues, and event planners without sacrificing user experience.

How does Venue Maps make money?

Venue Maps is supported in a limited capacity by advertisements served by Google’s Adsense program. The number and placement of ads may change due to considerations of user experience verses revenue. Venue Maps is not currently profitable.